
September 22, 2019 to September 28, 2019
728 On the Ring Ring 44 people case adjourned the defense against the Department of Justice urgent lying but not in the chest

728 On the Ring Ring 44 people case adjourned the defense against the Department of Justice urgent lying but not in the chest 香港獨立媒體網 machine translated - Sep 25, 2019

  • 44 people were charged with "riot" and one mainland student was charged with possession of an offensive weapon during the July 28 clash between police and civilians in Sheung". The case was arra…
HK police say they kicked a ‘yellow object’

HK police say they kicked a ‘yellow object’ Asia Times - Sep 24, 2019

  • Hong Kong police have rejected an allegation that officers kicked an arrested man in a back alley during a clash on the weekend and asked for witnesses to come forward. They say video footage fr…
Arrest rate of students rises sharply after police suspend New Roof as temporary detention centre

Arrest rate of students rises sharply after police suspend New Roof as temporary detention centre 立場新聞 machine translated - Sep 27, 2019

  • Police confirmed that the New Estate Ridge Detention Centre had been deactivated. At a regular press conference this afternoon , the police confirmed that the Centre had suspended the detention …
922 Clash, Multiple Films Patrick Nip Respond to Qing Yi's Siege: Wantto get off the car for dialogue, but demonstrators get more and more excited

922 Clash, Multiple Films Patrick Nip Respond to Qing Yi's Siege: Wantto get off the car for dialogue, but demonstrators get more and more excited 眾新聞 machine translated - Sep 23, 2019

  • Netizens launched Sunday's "and shop" and "airport" and "and you" activities in Sha Tin New City Square, and a large number of demonstrators gathered at Sha Tin Station New City Square, Tsing Yi…
Tan Hui-ju urged the Legislative Council to discuss anti-masking Guo Rongrong as soon as possible: Counterproductive, the legislative force is again surrounded

Tan Hui-ju urged the Legislative Council to discuss anti-masking Guo Rongrong as soon as possible: "Counterproductive, the legislative force is again surrounded 立場新聞 machine translated - Sep 24, 2019

  • Speaking at the event this morning , the Deputy Director of the Basic Law Committee , Mr Tam Hui-chu , said that the Government should set up an anti-masking exercise as soon as possible , and t…
流亡台灣抗爭者家書二: 「好對唔住我陪唔到你哋繼續作戰,好對唔住我已經聯絡唔返你哋」

流亡台灣抗爭者家書二: 「好對唔住我陪唔到你哋繼續作戰,好對唔住我已經聯絡唔返你哋」 眾新聞 - Sep 25, 2019

  • 第十五次民間記者會上,發言人讀出三封《流亡台灣抗爭者家書》,以下為第二封家書的全文,發言人在朗讀時忍不住抽泣,讀者可由香港電台直播片段01:04:48 開始觀看。 6/9失敗、6/10凌晨陪我喺金鐘過通宵嘅婆婆同老師,你哋幾好嘛?6/11、6/12一齊作戰嘅師兄、一齊喺前線捱唔住恰着嘅兄弟,你哋幾好嘛?6/16一齊嘆氣、嘈交、漏夜狂起水馬陣嘅兄弟、一齊搭紅van走嘅兄弟,你哋幾好嘛?…

Democratic Power says there are still 40 districts in the crash zone saying they are doing their best to coordinate 香港獨立媒體網 machine translated - Sep 28, 2019

  • (Single Media Special Report) The election of the District Councils in November, the Democratic Power afternoon media tea party, convenor Zhao Jiaxian revealed, "Now 453 constituencies in Hong K…
School to suspend 10.1 before and after flag-raising ceremony Carrie Lam : I'm afraid to bring out the wrong message

School to suspend 10.1 before and after flag-raising ceremony Carrie Lam : I'm afraid to bring out the wrong message 立場新聞 machine translated - Sep 24, 2019

  • Recently, some secondary schools considerthe recent social controversy, proposed to cancel the National Day before and after the school flag-raising ceremony, the Education Bureau criticized thi…