
January 12, 2020 to January 18, 2020
Carrie Lam denouncing democratic district councillors for insulting Chris Tang , breaking parliamentary rules and praising Deng for not being humble and not a good example.

Carrie Lam denouncing democratic district councillors for insulting Chris Tang , breaking parliamentary rules and praising Deng for not being humble and not a good example. 立場新聞 machine translated - Jan 16, 2020

  • The Commissioner of Police , Chris Tang , attended a meeting of the Central and Western District Councils today , where democratic district councillors repeatedly asked about police abuse , repe…
China-Taiwan-Hong Kong Relations After Tsai Ing-wen's Re-election

China-Taiwan-Hong Kong Relations After Tsai Ing-wen's Re-election 眾新聞 machine translated - Jan 13, 2020

  • In Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen won re-election to the presidency with a record number of votes, while her Democratic Progressive Party continues to retain a majority of seats in the legislature. Compar…
Police brutality doesn't exist in HK: Carrie Lam

Police brutality doesn't exist in HK: Carrie Lam RTHK - Jan 16, 2020

  • Chief Executive Carrie Lam said on Thursday that there is no police brutality in Hong Kong and officers are only enforcing the law amid escalating violence. She was responding to a question in L…

Debate on ‘yellow economy’ hits the big screen Asia Times - Jan 13, 2020

  • The ongoing debate in Hong Kong about the “yellow economic circle” has extended to the entertainment sector after stand-up comedian Dayo Wong produced a movie with no mainland partnerships to ta…
Huang Qiusheng's temporary absence and Junius Ho 's response to police misconduct need to be fully investigated

Huang Qiusheng's temporary absence and Junius Ho 's response to police misconduct need to be fully investigated 香港獨立媒體網 machine translated - Jan 15, 2020

  • Actor Wong Qiusheng and legislative Junius Ho are scheduled to attend the Hong Kong and Taiwan programme Viewpoint 31 tonight to talk about conscience and justice. Only Huang Qiusheng temporaril…
Talking about electric gun efficiency: 7meter one-time enemy Premier League star was the dead soul of the gun

Talking about electric gun efficiency: 7meter one-time enemy Premier League star was the dead soul of the gun 立場新聞 machine translated - Jan 16, 2020

  • It is said that the Hong Kong Police are studying the introduction of electric guns for routine duty and riot control. The introduction of other weapons at a time of police violence controversy …
New Land Guo Ke-hui's initiative to cut the one-way permit cap half-incentivefor Hong Kong relatives in the Great Bay Area reunion

New Land Guo Ke-hui's initiative to cut the one-way permit cap half-incentivefor Hong Kong relatives in the Great Bay Area reunion 立場新聞 machine translated - Jan 13, 2020

  • At the third meeting of the 12th CPPCC, Guo Qihui, executive director of Xindi (0016) and a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong CPPCC, submitted a report to mainland participants a…
First Wuhan pneumonia case confirmed outside China

First Wuhan pneumonia case confirmed outside China RTHK - Jan 13, 2020

  • The World Health Organisation says it has reports that the Wuhan virus outbreak has spread outside of China. The UN health agency said a person travelling from Wuhan had been admitted to hospita…
Transfer of Fugitives Carrie Lam said the report of the Supervisory Board is not clear about the contents of the failure to respond whether the firm refused to set up a unique session

"Transfer of Fugitives" Carrie Lam said the report of the Supervisory Board is not clear about the contents of the failure to respond whether the firm refused to set up a unique session 852郵報 machine translated - Jan 14, 2020

  • The IPCC set up a task force last year to review the police handling in the anti-practice campaign , the Letter newspaper quoted yesterday as saying that the Task Force would submit a 300-page r…
Zhan Zhong's appeal trial of The Family was dismissed from teaching duties by the Baptist University

Zhan Zhong's appeal trial of The Family was dismissed from teaching duties by the Baptist University 眾新聞 machine translated - Jan 17, 2020

  • The Legislative Councillor of the Social Welfare Sector, Mr Kwong Jiaxuan, who was convicted in the Zhong-Kyu case and jailed for eight months, is a lecturer in the Department of Social Work of …
Police ban-anti-communism march, allow rally

Police ban-anti-communism march, allow rally RTHK - Jan 16, 2020

  • The police have banned a march on Sunday that was billed as an anti-communism event, citing violence that erupted during two recent demonstrations. The force has, however, allowed the march orga…
Sha Tin Guangyuan 27-year-old man charged with assault, intimidation and non-confessions of family members after police charges of possession of firearms and ammunition

Sha Tin Guangyuan 27-year-old man charged with assault, intimidation and non-confessions of family members after police charges of possession of firearms and ammunition 香港獨立媒體網 machine translated - Jan 18, 2020

  • Police seized firearms and bullets from a unit in Guangyuan Village, Sha Tin yesterday morning ( 17 January ) and arrested a 27-year-old man for links to the Armed Forces , which had links to se…

Hong Kong welfare minister apologises to Carrie Lam for going rogue in Legislative Council with maternity leave bill South China Morning Post - Jan 12, 2020

  • Hong Kong’s welfare minister has apologised to the city’s leader for keeping the government in the dark about his bid to fast-track legislation increasing maternity leave by four weeks.But Law C…

【法律年度致辭】最後一次主持開啟禮 馬道立演辭全文 立場新聞 - Jan 13, 2020

  • 【文:終審法院首席法官馬道立】 律政司司長、大律師公會主席、律師會會長、各位法官、各位尊貴的嘉賓、女士們、先生們: 我謹代表香港特別行政區司法機構熱烈歡迎各位出席法律年度開啟典禮。我感謝有機會在此向各位致辭,特別有見於過去七個月社會上一些關係到每個人的事情。社會就着司法機構提出了不少問題,對法庭的工作作出了不少評論,亦就我們的法官表達了不少意見。這當中很多都是中肯的,但遺憾的是,有部分…
Talking to your child about the three cases of the study case: q-a example: experts to parents communication tips

Talking to your child about the three cases of the study case: q-a example: experts to parents communication tips 眾新聞 machine translated - Jan 16, 2020

  • Social events continue, and many parents are struggling to deal with their children's emotions and questions. Experts and social welfare organizations provide teaching materials, services and ad…
Skybridge spray strike and other words college students admitted to the death penalty destroyed 120 hours of social service order

Skybridge spray "strike" and other words college students admitted to the death penalty destroyed 120 hours of social service order 立場新聞 machine translated - Jan 17, 2020

  • The 18-year-old male college student sprayed the words "stop" on the footbridge outside the Ho Man Tin Mtr Station in mid-October last year. The person who was found and called the police, the p…