
August 15, 2021 to August 21, 2021
Taliban declare amnesty, give olive branch to women

Taliban declare amnesty, give olive branch to women RTHK - Aug 17, 2021

  • The Taliban declared an “amnesty” across Afghanistan and urged women to join its government on Tuesday, trying to calm nerves across a tense capital city that only the day before saw chaos at it…
Huaji live again to play the old uncle apologized for the don't want to crash again because of the cut

Huaji live again to "play" the old uncle apologized for the "don't want to crash again" because of the cut 立場新聞 machine translated - Aug 21, 2021

  • Earlier, an 87-year-old man who claimed to have been present and "punched" on the night of the 721 attack at the street station was arrested by police for "participation in a riot" and "conspira…
Hong Kong District National Security Law | 4 Hong Kong University students arrested for promoting terrorism to meet with the adoption of the motion Grateful 71 stab police case participants ( 11:44 )

Hong Kong District National Security Law | 4 Hong Kong University students arrested for promoting terrorism to meet with the adoption of the motion "Grateful" 71 stab police case participants ( 11:44 ) 明報 machine translated - Aug 18, 2021

  • 11:42 p.m. update: Senior Superintendent Li Kwai-wah of the Police National Security Department met with reporters and said four Hong Kong university students were arrested on suspicion of promo…

Chris Tang comments on the dissolution of the CHRF Church: strict prosecution should not be used to escape the crime 明報 machine translated - Aug 17, 2021

  • Ming Pao News: The Education Association and CHRF have been dissolved in the past week, following the Hong Kong and Macao Office and the China Joint Office and other support to investigate the e…
‘Taiwan is not a country’: Hong Kong regulator raps broadcaster RTHK for referring to ‘nation’ in election story

‘Taiwan is not a country’: Hong Kong regulator raps broadcaster RTHK for referring to ‘nation’ in election story Hong Kong Free Press - Aug 20, 2021

  • A regulatory complaint has been upheld against embattled public broadcaster RTHK after it referred to Taiwan as a “nation” in a story about an election poll. On August 15 last year, RTHK’s Radio…
Wu Weilan, chairman of the establishment background corporation, was kicked out of the mountain view of the new meteorological team was elected

Wu Weilan, chairman of the establishment background corporation, was kicked out of the mountain view of the new meteorological team was elected 立場新聞 machine translated - Aug 15, 2021

  • Tuen Mun Mountain View Corporation changed its days, with a formative background, the position of Chairman of the group for 10 years Wu Yulan, the bid for re-election failed, by the neighborhood…
Chen Qiangli , who had lobbied young people to plead guilty to attempted drug trafficking , was arrested for obstruction of justice .

Chen Qiangli , who had lobbied young people to plead guilty to attempted drug trafficking , was arrested for obstruction of justice . 明報 machine translated - Aug 17, 2021

  • 20:38 Update: The Appeal Court has sentenced a 25-year-old man, Ma Jiajian, to appeal straight, quash his attempted drug trafficking and acquittal, during which he criticized the prosecution for…
All seven people, including Figo Chan, pleaded guilty in the 10.20 Kowloon Parade rally the year before

All seven people, including Figo Chan, pleaded guilty in the 10.20 Kowloon Parade rally the year before 眾新聞 machine translated - Aug 19, 2021

  • Seven people, including figo Chan, former CHRF convenor, Liung Kwok-hung, and Albert Ho of the Democratic Party, were charged with three counts of inciting others to participate in an unauthoriz…
Hong Kong protest pair swept up in national security crackdown plead guilty

Hong Kong protest pair swept up in national security crackdown plead guilty The Guardian - Aug 19, 2021

  • Andy Li and Chan Tsz-wah were accused of conspiring with media mogul Jimmy Lai to call for sanctions on China and Hong Kong The Hong Kong activist Andy Li and paralegal Chan Tsz-wah have pleaded…
Tokyo Olympics Olympic Port will be fame and interest and Dunshe bonus donation charity

"Tokyo Olympics" Olympic Port will be fame and interest and "Dunshe" bonus donation charity 立場新聞 machine translated - Aug 18, 2021

  • Hong Kong athletes have been attending a number of celebrations and publicity events in recent days after their historic success at the Tokyo Olympics. The eight Hong Kongs who finished in the t…
190 Nathan Road. Guide: Yanglou is not a Tanglou scholar: Art Deco architecture aesthetic high score

190 Nathan Road. Guide: Yanglou is not a Tanglou scholar: Art Deco architecture aesthetic high score 立場新聞 machine translated - Aug 21, 2021

  • 轉角洋樓「彌敦道190號」結構完整、外型甚具特色,有人甚至懷疑是仿古建築。 Wu Yunyi , who has been concerned about the preservation of architectural relics and was the project director of the Center for Architectural and Cultural …
The three-year-old PolyDa Kitchen Man was remanded in custody to be sentenced on Thursday

The three-year-old "PolyDa Kitchen Man" was remanded in custody to be sentenced on Thursday 立場新聞 machine translated - Aug 17, 2021

  • Mr Shi, known as the "Man in the Kitchen of PolyU" who remained in the "PolyU Conflict" in 2019, was arrested several times between February and May this year and pleaded guilty in West Kowloon …
Echoing the People's Daily's approval of the Law Society's Teresa Cheng: Efforts should be made to remain professional rather than politicized

Echoing the People's Daily's approval of the Law Society's Teresa Cheng: Efforts should be made to remain professional rather than politicized 立場新聞 machine translated - Aug 16, 2021

  • The Law Society of Hong Kong will re-elect five of these seats at the end of the month, which may affect the distribution of power between the "enlightened" and "establishment" in the Council, o…
The 33 new cases in China include four local cases

The 33 new cases in China include four local cases 熱血時報 machine translated - Aug 20, 2021

  • Yesterday (August 19) China's 31 provinces and cities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 33 new confirmed cases, including 29 imported cases abroad and 4 local cases, includ…
Video: Hong Kong politicians get in on the act as Nicole Kidman quarantine row spills over into legislature

Video: Hong Kong politicians get in on the act as Nicole Kidman quarantine row spills over into legislature Hong Kong Free Press - Aug 20, 2021

  • Hong Kong lawmakers have questioned the government’s decision to exempt Australian actor Nicole Kidman – and four members of her film crew – from compulsory quarantine and allow them into the ci…
Coroner's inquest: Man licks keys and then ingests public sugar after fighting dead wife: Expect justice officer to guide jury on Thursday

Coroner's inquest: Man licks keys and then ingests public sugar after fighting dead wife: Expect justice officer to guide jury on Thursday 立場新聞 machine translated - Aug 18, 2021

  • Six years ago, when a 58-year-old man, Huang Wenquan, added sugar to milk tea at the Shuntian tea restaurant in Kwun Tong, he licked the sugar in a public sugar can with a licked private key, ca…

Hong Kong protests: two men convicted of possessing 59 petrol bombs during civil unrest South China Morning Post - Aug 18, 2021

  • A university student and a construction worker have been convicted of possessing 59 petrol bombs seized by authorities in the largest such haul during Hong Kong’s civil unrest in 2019.City Unive…
Covid-19: Hong Kong lists 15 more countries as high-risk over Delta variant surge, quarantine tightened

Covid-19: Hong Kong lists 15 more countries as high-risk over Delta variant surge, quarantine tightened Hong Kong Free Press - Aug 16, 2021

  • Hong Kong has tightened coronavirus quarantine requirements for 15 countries including the United States which are now deemed to be “high-risk,” citing threats from the more infectious Delta var…
Detained thousands of days Meng Evening Boat 10-21 sentencing analysis: the judge wants to wait for the election after the new justice minister to deal with

Detained thousands of days Meng Evening Boat 10-21 sentencing analysis: the judge wants to wait for the election after the new justice minister to deal with 明報 machine translated - Aug 20, 2021

  • Washington's chief financial officer Meng Evening Zhou's extradition case has come to an end, and the final hearing ended Wednesday afternoon Vancouver time, with the judge saying he would decid…
Documents with epic lawsuit reveal that Stevejobs had considered launching the iPhone Nano

Documents with epic lawsuit reveal that Stevejobs had considered launching the iPhone Nano machine translated - Aug 21, 2021

  • Epic took Apple to U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California because of issues such as a ban on game in-app purchases and sharing, and because the lawsuit exposed many little-k…
Jun Lin world 3 rooms 62001000 appreciation of 4 times

Jun Lin world 3 rooms 62001000 appreciation of 4 times 明報 machine translated - Aug 18, 2021

  • "Ming Pao Special News" Kowloon station to build luxury homes recorded large transactions, Jun Lin world high-rise 3 rooms recently changed hands with 62 million yuan, the original business pres…
VIP room attendants confirmed that the transfer passengers broadcast poison a week to receive 3000 people difficult to track doctors to promote the ban on high-risk transit to Hong Kong

VIP room attendants confirmed that the transfer passengers broadcast poison a week to receive 3000 people difficult to track doctors to promote the ban on high-risk transit to Hong Kong 明報 machine translated - Aug 18, 2021

  • Ming Pao News: Hong Kong is 12 days apart from the emergence of a new local coronavirus confirmed case, related to Cathay Pacific Airport lounge "Yutang" floor waitress, she has delta variant vi…
Ten people at Swire Station were charged with unlawful assembly and released on bail in October

Ten people at Swire Station were charged with unlawful assembly and released on bail in October 眾新聞 machine translated - Aug 17, 2021

  • Police arrested a number of people during demonstrations at the MTR Swire Station the year before, including eight men and two women who were arraigned for the first time in the Eastern Magistra…
Tencent's quarterly results were slightly better than expected, with more than 3 per cent of the ban on supplements or loss of advertising revenue coming in

Tencent's quarterly results were slightly better than expected, with more than 3 per cent of the ban on supplements or loss of advertising revenue coming in 明報 machine translated - Aug 19, 2021

  • "Ming Pao News" Tencent (0700) closed yesterday, the second quarter non-IFRS (non-ifrs) net profit increased 12.9% year-on-year to 340.39 yuan (RMB, the same below), slightly better than the for…
The first arraignment of Benny Tai in the District Court of Election Expenses involved in illegally incurring the guarantee was a continuation of the primary case

The first arraignment of Benny Tai in the District Court of Election Expenses involved in illegally incurring the guarantee was a continuation of the primary case 香港獨立媒體網 machine translated - Aug 19, 2021

  • Former ASSOCIATE Professors of Law at the University of Hong Kong, Benny Tai, Ye Jianqing and Shi Shouzheng, were charged with four counts of "unlawful conduct in incurring election expenses in …
The site supervisor was involved in the illegal assembly of defence dispute police in Causeway Bay when he admitted the wrong person

The site supervisor was involved in the illegal assembly of defence dispute police in Causeway Bay when he admitted the wrong person 香港獨立媒體網 machine translated - Aug 16, 2021

  • On September 29 last year, a netizen launched a "global anti-totalitarian march", followed by a police-civilian clash, in which a site security supervisor was accused of standing on the road wit…