- The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) has failed to shed light on the mysterious death of a 15-year-old student who had reportedly participated in anti-extradition bill protests. Chan Yin-lam, a…
- Pro-democracy lawmakers have strongly condemned an attack on Civil Human Rights Front convenor Jimmy Sham, questioning whether the assault was planned to give the government a reason to postpone…
- Carrie Lam the "Tres" was broadcast on video to condemn the "thugs" (12:24) Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivered the Policy Address live on video and "read out" on the website and hong Kong and …
- The House of Representatives in the United States unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on Tuesday in a show of support for the on-going pro-democracy protests in the c…
- A number of pro-democracy figures who are hoping to run in next month's district council elections say they have been asked by returning officers to clarify their stance over issues relating to …
- Police have accused protesters of using a ‘sharp-edged object’ to slash the back of an officer's neck at the Kwun Tong station. Video apparently of the incident posted online showed the officer …
- An Eastern Court magistrate on Tuesday adjourned the case of an 18-year-old accused of slashing a policeman with a box cutter, saying it was inappropriate to hear it because the defendant is in …
- Taiwan’s Ministry of Justice has urged the Hong Kong authorities to continue to keep murder suspect Chan Tong-kai in custody. The case of the 20-year-old Hongkonger sparked the extradition bill …
- The parliamentary nomination period ended this Thursday (17th) with repeated reports that the Government may postpone or cancel the election s"s emergency. A group of scholars held a press confe…
- The Secretary for Justice applied to the court on Monday for an injunction prohibiting anyone from obstructing, occupying or encircling the roads of the disciplinary forces hostels and married p…
- It is not the demonstrators who were inspired by this clown to take to the streets to protest, but the demonstrators who do not cut their seats, only to accommodate the "clowns" who say they hav…
- 13/10 A. Social workers on-call-48 received a call from a lawyer in the hope of finding a social worker with a moderately mentally handicapped person who was incapacitated by the "guardian card"…
- The news department of Now TV said on Monday that one of its drivers was being treated in hospital for head and facial injuries after he was wounded by police and then detained in the early hour…
- Hong Kong's four-month struggle against the amendment of the Fugitive Sluds Ordinance has become a subject of study for Indonesian and British activists, and in the last week, after a Spanish co…
- The police have confirmed that some officers have applied for permission to keep their identities secret when giving evidence in protest-related court cases. But officers denied taking advantage…
- In an open letter published yesterday , the President of the University of China , mr Rocky Tuan , said that some police officers suspected of improper use of violence or human rights violations…
- 編按:香港大律師公會主席戴啟思向會員發信,呼籲會員於本月底出席集思會,目的為香港危機謀出路。戴啟思表示,願意協助政府尋求解決困局的方法,但強調絕非支持任何政見。信函又指,公會向來譴責一切非法暴力行為,包括攻擊、破壞財產、投擲汽油彈和其他暴力行為,這也毋須每星期去重複提及。對於有人指公會特別針對警察使用過度暴力,戴啟思表示,在法治下,必須防止警察嚴重違規,如果出現這種情況,必須徹查及起訴…
- The Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung for many years, frankly, I have never seen any moral ity, but at least not like Carrie Lam is a big adulterous evil, at best, just to catch.…
- There have been calls for a special court to be set up to handle the prosecution of hundreds of people arrested in protests in Hong Kong, while officials are also considering charging a man with…